A boy is injured and God is glorified.
Sometimes meeting physical needs opens the door to being able to meet the eternal needs of hearts.
Stephen and Ginger Jordan write that an Agutaynen boy was recently injured and that his mother came to their ministry team asking for help with the medical costs for his treatment.
“We did not know the full extent of his injuries or the cost he might incur,” Ginger says, “but our team gladly helped.”
And while the mother was very grateful for the financial help of the missionaries, it was actually what God’s Spirit accomplished next that opened the door wide for His working through this boy’s injury.
As the mother was proceeding through the village earnestly asking for financial help, one of the Agutaynen believers heard about the need, approached her and offered a small gift of money to help with the medical costs.
Though the gift wasn’t large, the sacrifice that was represented moved the mother’s heart to tears. That this believer would show so much love by sharing with her when she knew there was nothing in this home to spare, moved her deeply.
“When she and her son returned to the village after he was released from the hospital, she asked us if we could have a Bible study in her home,” Ginger continues. “She said she wanted whatever that believer has.”
The Jordans are praising God for using this sacrificial gift of love from one of his children to soften the mother’s heart and prepare her to desire to hear the truth of the Gospel. Stephen has already begun a Bible study in their home.
Pray for God’s blessing on this Bible study and pray for this lady and her son who are now hearing God’s Word in their own home. Pray that God will work in hearts and open them to His greater ministry of spiritual healing through the love shown by believers.