Tim and Rebecca Ingles minister among the Wano people in Asia Pacific. “Thanks for your prayers for my trip to [the village of] P. Three Wano Bible teachers and I flew there on the helicopter … and were there [two days later] when MAF came in and did their first landing at the airstrip. Weather was an issue and slowed down the original plan, but we praise the Lord that the plane was able to make it in after circling for about 45 minutes and that the airstrip is now open. And praise the Lord that He kept the weather open here so the plane was able to bring us back home as well. We are really excited that the P airstrip is now open, and our next step is figuring out which Bible teachers we will be able to send there soon. This all is a huge answer to prayer as P has been asking for Bible teaching in their village for over four years, and with the airstrip being open, it will be that much easier to send teachers. A three-day hike has now turned into a ten-minute flight.” Pray for the Bible teachers that will finally get to go.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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