Ethnos is an international church-planting mission organization. Ethnos Canada is the Canadian branch of the organization.

Ethnos works among people groups who have had little or no access to the Bible, mostly in remote locations in Africa, Latin America and the Asia-Pacific Region. While providing practical help such as medical care, community development and literacy education, missionaries share Bible lessons that allow the people to choose for themselves whether to believe on Jesus Christ and follow Him.

Those who believe are discipled, and trained as church leaders, teachers and missionaries themselves. The Ethnos missionaries’ goal is to equip people to lead their own church, while they provide support such as Bible translation, lesson development and advice.

In addition, missionaries train people so they can continue to provide basic medical care, literacy instruction and other practical helps to their own people.

Fast Facts About Ethnos

Ethnos was founded in the USA in 1942 as New Tribes Mission. From the beginning, two things have made Ethnos distinct among missions organizations:

  1. We work only among the world’s least-reached people groups
  2. We equip those groups to lead their own churches

Ethnos is non-denominational. More than 3,000 missionaries from a variety of evangelical churches serve in Africa, Latin America, Asia-Pacific and Northern Canada.

Ethnos is international, with missionaries from nearly 30 countries. Ethnos Canada is the Canadian organization. It is a registered non-profit organization, based in Durham, Ontario. Examples of affiliated organizations in other countries are Ethnos360, NTM UK and MNT Brazil.

Ethnos Canada operates a missionary training program, Emanate, in Durham, Ontario.

Ethnos360 has missionary training facilities in Waukesha, Wisconsin; and Camden County, Missouri. Ethnos360 also has a mobilization centre in Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania.

Ethnos360 Aviation, which provides flight services for missionaries around the world, is based in McNeal, Arizona.