More than Academics

Nestled in a picturesque valley in the Andes Mountains of Colombia, New Horizons Missionary Institute (El Instituto Misionero Nuevos Horizontes) has a two-part program. Two years of Bible training equips Spanish-speaking students with a solid biblical foundation. Students come planning on that, though being a missionary themselves may not be on their radar. But as teacher Wayne Smith put it, “Even wet firewood will eventually catch fire if you get it close to a hot one that is already burning!” It’s hard to sit under solid Bible teaching where God’s heart for missions shines through and not be affected.

At the next level, students delve into the intricacies of serving as missionaries in a cross-cultural context within Colombia or abroad. One might think it’s a pure academic experience. But it’s not.

Crossing Cultural Boundaries

The staff is comprised of citizens from Britain, Canada, Colombia, Holland, Norway, the USA and Venezuela, yet they cultivate a spirit of unity despite their cultural and linguistic differences.

And the student body? They are a mix of Colombians, Bolivians, Mexicans, Panamanians and Peruvians, as well as students from ethnic minorities.

Students are instructed in proven methods on how to effectively teach foundational Bible lessons that take the listener from before Creation through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, and on to eternity future. All this in the context of how to reach people across cultural and linguistic boundaries.

For these students the training is far from academic. The staff and students are living out the cross-cultural concepts they are learning about every day. They’re already at the point where the rubber meets the road.

Unified with One Purpose

And they are unified around one purpose: to see unreached people groups reached with the hope of the gospel.

After graduation, what an encouragement it is to see nationals and expatriate missionaries working side by side to reach those who’ve never had a chance to hear.

Would you pray for the national training program in Colombia? Pray for the students in training, pray for their teachers and pray for the missionaries as they go out to establish a thriving church among every people group.

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