Canadians, Brent and Jodi Ristau minister among First Nations people in Canada. “We are so excited to share with you that God has opened up an indigenous community for us to be a part of, even in the midst of COVID, when most communities have been closed to outsiders. A pastor from Whitehorse planted a tiny church in that community about five years ago and has recently invited us to partner with him and to begin sharing the load of shepherding that little church as he desires to step back. We see involvement in this church as a gateway opportunity to be present in the larger community and as a chance to build relationships with the indigenous groups there. We value your prayers as we look at the possibility of relocating to this community and begin building bridges in a land of much historical and present-day hurt. We truly need wisdom in how to communicate well, as there are a lot of negative views on anything religious, church-related, missionary-related, etc. … Please pray that we can honestly and organically share what we are about and keep doors open for relationship, without pressing these hot buttons.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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