Missionaries Steve and Carolyn Crockett returned to their ministry among the Moi people and experienced a warm welcome and sweet reunion. The Moi greeting is slightly different than the traditional American, “Hi.” “Saying ’aba aba aba’ and snapping knuckles many, many times, I actually had a blister on my finger at the end of the day,” wrote Carolyn. The Mois told the Crocketts they looked fatter, whiter and older. Though this doesn’t sound like a loving accolade, it is the way the Mois interact. As Steve and Carolyn settle back into their home among the Mois, they are brushing up on their language skills and Steve is getting ready to finish editing Romans and translate more of the book of Ephesians. “We’re getting back into the groove of things here. It’s been a change for us sitting under the Moi believers’ teaching and not us missionaries doing it. Exciting actually, because that’s our goal!” Pray for Steve and Carolyn as they continue their ministry among the Moi people. Pray also for the Moi Bible teachers as they disciple the other believers.