Beyond the Dream 

 Brian and Bailey Pruett minister in the Philippines with Ethnos360 Aviation. Brian said, “A few years ago, when the new helicopter program was just starting, we never dreamed how much it would impact the work here. It has changed things in the greatest ways possible. We only thought we were reaching the farthest, hardest to reach places with the airplane, when there are even farther places to reach and spiritually darker places than we ever imagined. These areas are so dark and so hard to get to that foreign missionaries would mostly likely never be welcome.” 

 The main Tala-Andig village had accepted the gospel. Some of the believers from the main village had relatives in another second village downriver who were interested in the gospel, causing serious division in that village as well as spiritual opposition. 

 The Barriers Go Up 

Brian continued, “The believers had never seen an open door in this area before and they wanted to boldly take advantage of this small opening. As they discussed it, they ran into barrier after barrier. “The outreach village was a grueling two-day hike away — much of it was floating down the river through dangerous canyons. When they would arrive at the outreach, there wasn’t a clean water source, land for farms or a place for a house. … They couldn’t bring their spouses or children, and they wouldn’t be able to survive there or stay long enough to teach.” 

 Incredible barriers. Impossible to overcome? Not at all! 

 The Barrier Crusher 

“God’s timing is perfect, though,” said Brian. “At the same time as this door to the gospel was opening, God had placed a barrier-crushing machine in their midst – [the helicopter]! And He made it accessible to [the Tala-Andig believers] via donors who cover their expenses!  

Help Break Barriers