Our pilot flew a long, slow loop above the village we have called our second home away from home. We weren’t sure what condition the grass landing strip might be in, so we all peered down to investigate. We could see so much more than just the landing strip from our bird’s-eye view. We could see in one glance nearly the entire reach of the average Amdu person’s world.

As we tumbled out of the plane, the Amdu language came fast and familiar to our ears from the lips of so many friends. There were sweaty forehead rubs and lots of knuckle pops which translates into a whole bunch of affectionate greeting.

For the rest of the day we were greeted by those returning to the village from their gardens, each one excited to tell us where they were when the plane flew over and all of them saying, “I was dancing when you came!” This is the ultimate showcase of Amdu approval.

—Missy Hatton

Pray for Benjamin and Missy Hatton. Since arriving back to Papua New Guinea, they have pressed forward with literacy and the translation of Bible lessons and Scripture portions, all with the goal of sharing the gospel message with these precious people.

Let Them Know You Prayed