Northamptonshire, England

I grew up in England and then moved to Tanzania at age 10 when my parents became missionaries with MAF. After graduating high school, I planned to go to Ethnos360 Bible Institute for two years and then on to university to study sound engineering. However, during my time at the Bible school I came to realize the urgent need for people who are willing to give up their plans and follow God into missions. I did not feel any kind of special call to missions but rather I saw just how many people are still out in the world without the gospel and without hope. I saw how few people there are that are giving their lives to God’s cause and I saw in His Word a command to take the gospel to every nation.

I will be finishing the training here at Emanate in December and though my fiancé Amanda and I are unsure of where in the world we will be serving, we are excited to see what God has for us next.

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