Ontario, Canada

Both of us grew up attending missions-oriented churches in southwestern Ontario and felt that God was leading us towards missions. We both served at the same summer camp in high school, but we would not become friends until years later. Cameron attended Word of Life Bible Institute (at both Owen Sound and New York campuses) before graduating from the Emanate training program in 2016. He served as a single missionary in Colombia before returning to Canada in 2019. Emily attended New Brunswick Bible Institute for a year before getting her nursing degree. She joined the Gospel Mission of South America as a single missionary and served in Chile before returning home in 2017. Although we seemed to be headed in opposite directions, God brought us together in his own perfect timing and we were married in October 2020. Since getting married, we returned to Durham so that Emily could complete her Emanate training. While she studies, Cameron has been working on his MA in Linguistics and Translation. Our plan is to return to Latin America to support Bible translation. Our passion is to see God glorified in us and through us as his church is strengthened and his Word is proclaimed where it has never been spoken before.

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