We love sledding, snowmobiling, and a hot double-double from Tim Horton’s. We love ethnic foods and thought-provoking books. We love challenging board games, and we can get a little too competitive when we play Settlers of Catan. But, most importantly, we love Christ Jesus because He first loved us.

We’re Brandt and Lanie-Joy Whatley, and by God’s grace, our team will take Christ’s unconditional love to the indigenous peoples of the Far North.

When we graduated from Bible School in 2016, we knew we wanted to become church planters with Ethnos Canada. We planned to go to Asia-Pacific where Brandt grew up, and we began saving money to attend Emanate. The path has not always been what we imagined. Throughout training, God has asked us to wait on Him in financial difficulty, health issues, Brandt’s injuries after a motorcycle accident, and more. But He has also added unexpected joys and relationships to our lives. Our most treasured gifts from Him are our three beautiful children: Jaxon, Boaz, and Rilla-May.

God has also made it clear that we are not headed to the field of Asia-Pacific like we first thought. Instead, we will begin a new work in Nunavut, where there is no established church or Bible translation.

The Lord has been faithful to reveal to us our neediness and His great provision. As we continue to take one step of faith at a time we are trusting the Lord with His future plans for us. We believe His grace will continue to carry us and He will work in and through us among the Inuit. He loves the Inuit people and longs for them to know His love. We can’t wait to watch Him work.

— Brandt & Lanie-Joy Whatley