I grew up a missionary kid in Paraguay, South America. I was so blessed to have godly parents who taught me the importance of investing our lives in things that will last forever: God, His Word, and people.  And as I watched their lives, those three things were what my parents devoted their lives to investing in.

When I grew up, my parents had passed their convictions on to me. As I grew in my walk with God, I realized I wanted to know Him and His Word better, and took Bible training in Wisconsin. During my training, my teachers emphasized that the gospel is not just for us, but for all nations (for all ethnos).

In my last semester of Bible school, it struck me. There are about 2,500 unreached people groups in the world, and only a handful of us Bible school students would ever make it to the mission field. We had been entrusted with the gospel, and the gospel way too precious to keep to ourselves. It was after that realization that I said to God, “Here am I. Send me!”

Now I have just recently moved to Brazil and have begun national culture and language study.