Jonathan and Heidi Bamford minister among the Isnag people of the Philippines. “Translation is usually a front burner task for me, but last week the Isnag Bible teachers ran out of lessons and sent an urgent request for more materials. It is very good to know that they have been meeting regularly and want help with curriculum. So, last week I put translation on the back burner and started writing lessons for the book of Mark. I was able to send three lessons via email to my language helper in town who was able to print them and take them back to teach in the village. That is the first time that we have accomplished such a transfer of information and we are very pleased to be able to help even though we are far away. I hope to produce 18 or 20 lessons before I return to translation work. Please pray that the lessons I write will help them to understand more Bible truth and deepen their love for Jesus. Pray for God’s guiding in our plans…”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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