Rachel Chapman ministers among the Nahuatl people of Mexico. “We once again hosted a dental clinic since the village chose to invite the dentists … . We are so thankful that we were able to help 130 people. The Nahuatl believers decided that they would be more involved this year and were a huge help. Together we cleaned the village clinic, hauled all the dental equipment there [and] set it up, and then they helped clean up each day after the dentists were done. A few of the youth expressed interest in helping in the daily tasks, and they learned to work the reception desk and sterilize instruments. God’s timing was perfect, as they were able to take over these roles when Katie got sick and had to stay home for two days. While the dentists were visiting, we invited the Nahuatl believers to join us one night, and we had a time of singing around the fire. It was special to sing together in English, Spanish and Nahuatl. Not everyone could communicate, but we were united in our worship of Jesus Christ.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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