Stephen and Carolyn Crockett minister among the Moi people of Asia Pacific. “When we got back to Moi land in November, we were greeted by this happy face. Abinipea has been a longtime friend; in fact, she used to show me how to make bark skirts and other Moi items back in the early days when we were doing language/culture study. But due to family pressures, she never got a chance to hear the ‘Big talk’ about the Creator God and His plan of salvation until recently when she told her grown kids that pigs and gardens are small, but the Creator’s talk was big, and she was going to come over here and listen. So, they had just finished going through two months of teaching when we returned in November. Abinipea was bubbling over with joy and gave such a clear testimony.” Pray for Abinipea’s continued growth in the Lord.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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