person with painted lines on their face

Who Are the Unreached of the World?

Why do Ethnos missionaries go to specific people groups to tell them about the God of the Bible and yet not to others? What or who determines where Ethnos will send missionaries?

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More In This Issue

  • Kaje woman learning to read with missionary

Reaching the Kaje People

The Kaje people group until recently were an unreached people group. Praise God that they have now become reached. Here is their story … so far.

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  • man working with computers

Using Software to Expedite Ministry

Find out how you can help missionaries learn new cultures and languages using a mobile app. Be a part of the solution.

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  • yerba mate photo by Jorge Zapata on

What is Tereré?

In Paraguay, tereré is a national beverage. The name tereré originates from Guaraní, an indigenous language and one of the two official languages in Paraguay, the other being Spanish.

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  • newspappers in bundle

News Around the World

Read this collection of missions stories and updates from around the world.

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  • woman clasping her hands in prayer while standing in a clearing

Prayer & Praise

Read this collection of prayer requests and answers to prayer from around the world.

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  • a pen writing on paper, representing the letter Tim Whatley wrote for the magazine

From Our Executive Director

The fact that you read the Ethnos360 magazine shows that you have a heart for reaching the unreached. Thank you! It takes all of us to engage in reaching unreached people groups for Christ. Truly the days are quickly approaching when Christ will come back for His Bride, the Church.

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  • sheep on a rocky hillside

There Once Was…

Be reminded of God’s unfailing and everlasting love for mankind. Be a part of the search for the lost of the world.

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  • the Poidevin family

John & Krista Poidevin

John and Krista are part of the South East Africa team serving in Tanzania.

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  • Shaun and Mel

Shaun & Melanie Humphreys

Shaun and Melanie are involved in Indigenous Ministries, leadership and Biblical counseling.

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Ethnos Canada 2020 Donor Report


Serving local churches by processing funds for their missionaries has been a core activity since our founding in 1942.


Ethnos Canada does not take a percentage of donations to cover operations.
100% of gifts are used as designated.


Our goal is a thriving church for every people, and there are a number of pieces to that puzzle.

A thriving church needs the Word of God in the language they know best. Missionaries serving with Ethnos Canada and our partners are currently working on 120 New Testament translations.

Indigenous churches need leaders that are capable of teaching the Word of God. Ethnos has training programs in many of the countries where we serve.

And as these churches send out missionaries of their own, we come along side them and provide sponsorship of flights.

Ethnos Canada 2020 Donor Report Charts

Your generosity changes everything

God is using your generosity to establish thriving churches among unreached people groups. And for this, Ethnos Canada is grateful.

When it comes to more complex gifts, specifically planned end-of-life gifts, Ethnos Canada recommends you reach out to Abundance Canada for advice.

To learn more visit or
call 1.800.772.3257

woman smiling at the camera

Ethnos Magazine Archives

Behind on your reading? Catch-up here.

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AN EXCITED GROUP OF INAPANGS gathered on the first day of teaching, meeting in the U-shaped shelter they built for the occasion. A timeline representing biblical history stretched about 50 yards around the building.

“We are just this last mark in time, but God’s story goes all the way back to the beginning,” said a man who spoke for all those who marvelled at the new revelation.

“Our ancestors didn’t know about all that time back behind us. They didn’t know and so they couldn’t tell us. We didn’t know either until now.”

Their knowledge of God’s story and how it would affect them was just beginning…

Enter into the incredible journey of redemption for the Inapang people. Discover what it takes to reach an unreached people group and rejoice with us as you witness their transformation, from darkness to light!

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ebook cover for "From Darkness to Light" by David Bell

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Ethnos360 Bible Institute

Study the whole Bible in two years with an emphasis on cross-cultural missions.

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