Fifteen years ago Logan and Kendra Teall started their journey to become missionaries to reach an unreached people group. They now report: “Our team will start teaching through Scripture to the Dem people [in early January]. We are asking you to … be praying for our team as well as for the Dem people. We will be teaching Monday through Friday [in the] morning for about five months! Please be praying for the men on our team as they will be doing the teaching and discussing the lessons with the people. Pray for the continued translation of Scripture. Several portions of Scripture are completed for the lessons, but Scripture translation will be a lifetime process. Pray for the unity of our team as we press on in this ministry. Pray that over these next few months they would hear and understand who the God of the Bible is and that He loves them, that he sent His one and only Son to die on the cross to pay the penalty for their sins and ours.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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