Canadians Brent and Jodi Ristau minister in Yukon, Canada, with Ethnos Canada. “The Foundational Bible teaching here in Whitehorse has been going well, and as the group gains familiarity with each other and the lessons, a lot of great discussions are going on. We are excited to partner with this group of individuals who share the urgency to disciple others within our Yukon communities. It is encouraging how some of them are already taking the opportunity to disciple others through what they are learning. It is amazing how God timed our move back here with a new church plant called the Northern Collective Church. They have a shared vision and passion to see the 14 indigenous people groups throughout the Yukon reached and are equally excited for our cooperative efforts. We ask you to join us in prayer as we seek God’s guidance and timing for further opportunities throughout the Yukon. A few possibilities for teaching in outlying indigenous communities are beginning to simmer. We are seeking to engage ‘at the speed of relationship’ and yield to God’s leading through it all. It seems like [Satan] is fervent in attacking Ethnos Canada’s efforts to reach the far north for God’s glory. Pray for reaching the indigenous folks of the Yukon.”