Did you know that not all our aviation personnel are from the United States?

Meet Bruno from Brazil. After years of praying that he and his family would be able to come to our aviation campus in McNeal, AZ, to finish his training with Ethnos360 Aviation, they were finally granted their visas and arrived earlier this year. COVID-19 threatened to bring training to a halt, but God graciously kept our aviation centre free of any cases.

Bruno came to us with a fixed wing license from his home country, but he quickly earned one in the USA too, allowing him to transition to our R66 training helicopter. Now, with his solo flight under his belt as of July 10, he’s working toward his helicopter certification.

Training right beside him is another international pilot: Ryan de Roos from Canada. Ryan soloed the R66 on July 17 and is also moving toward certification soon.

And, in a little twist on the international flavour, instructor Brian Pruett, a USA citizen, is actually home from the Philippines where he normally serves. COVID-19 has prevented him and his family from returning. But God had him here just at the exact time he was needed to proceed with Bruno’s and Ryan’s training.

Since our training facility is here in the USA, your perception may be that we “go” from the United States to other countries. But reality shows that we not only serve other countries, we send from other countries.

How’s this for a mix of Ethnos360 Aviation personnel? Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Indonesia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, USA — and that list doesn’t even mention the indispensable and capable citizen workers we hire to keep things running smoothly in each country.

God has blessed us with a diverse team. They are essential to the ministry of taking God’s Word to people who have been waiting far too long to hear it. Pray that God will continue to grant visas to those who need them so we can keep training aviators to serve in Ethnos360 Aviation.