Lindy and Carol Drake minister with Barry and Denise Spor among the Guanano people in Colombia. “Last Sunday was a special Sunday for us. We honoured two Guanano Bible teachers by giving them a copy of the Guanano Old Testament portions which we have translated to support the chronological teaching we give for evangelism, as well as a three-volume set of Bible lessons for evangelism and one lesson book to teach and disciple new believers. … Helmar is a Bible teacher in the Guanano church. Helmar was one of the very first Guananos to receive Christ and began helping with Bible translation and the Bible lessons before he was even saved. These were some of his remarks: ‘I began working with the team of missionaries when I was 23, and now I am 54. These books are the fruit of all our efforts. I am very happy. I give thanks to God and to those who worked alongside of me. But there is more work to do. These books are tools to teach those people who still don’t understand why Christ died. This other book will help us teach new believers. Some mistakenly think: “I’m saved. Now I can live like I want.” No, we will be able to partner with new believers and help them grow up into the life God has given them.’”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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