Bible translation session by lantern light

New Testament Translations Update

Last year, we rejoiced because of New Testament translations that were finished, sent to the printer and in some cases had dedication celebrations for presentation to the churches. This year began with Doug Lotz diligently working his way through the translation manuscripts on his desk (well, in his computer). Adjustments were made when Mark Cain’s cancer diagnosis moved the Guahibo translation formatting project to the top of the list. [Note: please see The Guahibo Translation Trail for an update on Mark.] And then, in an unforeseeable turn of events to us — but not a surprise at all to God — Doug needed to step aside for a period of time due to medical issues of his own. His heart is still in the work although progress has slowed.

This is the list of translations of Scripture that he will need to format in order to be print-ready

  • Dom, Kuman, Lamogai,
    Malaumanda, Simbari and Tigak – Papua New Guinea
  • Guahibo, Guanano and one other – Latin America
  • Tugutil – Asia Pacific
  • Palaka – Ivory Coast

In other news from the translators, Penny Warner reports that the Jalunga translation (Senegal, West Africa) of the New Testament is 69.5% checked and approved for printing; 9.9% more is drafted and being worked through the process. Genesis, 580 verses of Exodus and Jonah are completely translated and printed. Ruth is ready for a check. The book of I Samuel was just drafted. Praise the Lord for getting this much finished. Pray for Penny as she continues but with limitations put on her because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

students walking into the Bible Institute


Ethnos360 Bible Institute, formerly New Tribes Bible Institute, has been in existence for 65 years, and for the first time since 1973, both campuses will be sharing a single campus.

We will be consolidating in Waukesha, Wisconsin, beginning August 2020!

Please pray for our Michigan staff and students and their many adjustments. Leaving family, friends, churches and community will not be easy.

Please pray for our Wisconsin team as they prepare for double enrolment. Currently they have many construction projects underway that must be completed by August.

Please pray for our students, many who will plant churches among the least reached!

Thank you,
Ron Lindsey
Ethnos360 Bible Institute

Learn More About Ethnos360 Bible Institute

[Editor’s Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the projects have had to be postponed. Please pray for both campuses as they readjust to the new “normal” as they continue working on consolidation.]

helicopter flying


The field of Papua New Guinea has been dependent for some time on the trusty Cessna airplanes. Then it shifted to Kodiaks. Then they were enjoying the one helicopter — that is now over forty years old! They have decided that, in order to reach additional people groups with the gospel, the field needs to have three R66 helicopters as soon as possible. Please pray for the finances to purchase these aircraft.

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