Brent and Jodi Ristau minister in the Yukon Territory, Canada. In July they finished teaching through Creation to Christ, foundational Bible lessons. The Ristaus writes, “Please pray for this group as some have it on their heart to move into new contexts such as Alaska, Guatemala and other parts of the Yukon — with a passion for multiplication! Additionally, in partnership with The Northern Collective Church here in the Yukon, we hope to teach another round of the foundational Bible teaching starting in the fall, with opportunity for the first group to teach and disciple alongside us as well.” Pray for Brent and Jodi as they pursue Ethnos’ vision to see thriving indigenous churches throughout the First Nations communities in the Yukon. Currently, the Ristaus are in the early stages of seeking to build relationships with community members — this will require much prayer and wisdom going forward.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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