Jeff and Naomi Palmer minister to the K* People of the Asia-Pacific region. “Once again it was really refreshing to sit with the believers and hear God’s Word taught in their language. Craig, a coworker, has been discipling a handful of guys in how to teach. Overall, they are doing so well; some are more confident and gifted speakers, and others are nervous and quieter. But these are, God willing, some of the future leaders of the K church. Would you please pray with us for these three married couples — D and Y, K and K, E and A, and these three single guys — Y, P and W. (Those last three are on the lookout for Christian girls to marry!)

Craig also has a literacy class up and running again. It’s full of men and women that are really wanting to learn how to read and write. Y and P are two of the guys learning to teach the class. Thanks for praying for both of them. We really would love to see the men begin to step up and teach their families God’s Word and be praying together. In light of that, my faithful friend Craig has been meeting together with the men once a week to encourage them in this effort and also spend time praying together about the joys and struggles that they are facing. The men really seem to be enjoying it, and we’ve started to hear how a number of them are meeting together in their hamlets (two or three families each) to pray and discuss God’s Word.”

*Note that names have been shortened for security reasons, but please pray, nonetheless. God knows!