Rebecca Preheim, Ethnos Canada missionary with translation helper

January 14th, 2020


This week we have Rebecca Preheim with us, a missionary to the Mangen tribe in Papua New Guinea. She shares about how she and her co-worker, Keri, translated the New Testament into their heart language and the joys and challenges along the way.



  • “Campus” – is referring to the campus in Durham, Ontario where the Ethnos Canada headquarters and training centre is located.
  • “Training” – is referring to Ethnos Canada’s 18-month training program, Emanate, that equips for cross-cultural church planting.
  • Durham – is a small town in southern Ontario where the Ethnos Canada headquarters is located.
  • Hoskins – is a campus or base in Papua New Guinea that houses missionaries who support the ministries of missionaries to remote locations within the country.
  • “the mission” – is a shortened name that many missionaries referring to the mission organization, Ethnos Canada.
  • Interface – is a six-week, college-level missions course in Papua New Guinea. It’s for college students, married couples, singles, pastors, or anyone eager to know more about missions.
  • Summit – was the name of short-term work trips that Ethnos Canada used to host.
  • PNG – an acronym for the country of Papua New Guinea.
  • Pidgin English – refers to a creole language, Tok Pisin, which is the national language of Papua New Guinea.


  • Read updates on ministry among the Mengen people group.
  • Watch “Each Stick Had a Name”, a slideshow and story that helped inspire Rebecca to become a missionary.
  • Learn more about Emanate, Ethnos Canada’s training program for believers interested in church planting among unreached people groups.
  • You can apply for an Interface short-term mission trip to Papua New Guinea here to learn more about the ministry Rebecca was involved with.


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