Who doesn’t know that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”?

Estimates place the number of people who have no access to that truth at 3 billion. And you’re in the perfect place to glorify God among the nations by declaring His love to the world.

Today, you can partner with Ethnos Canada to share God’s message and His love in the heart languages of people groups around the world. With every gift you make to Ethnos Canada, you help God speak to people’s hearts. With every gift you give, you demonstrate God’s love for people.


Your partnership contributes to such milestones as the Lolo people recently receiving their New Testaments with parts of the Old Testament.

One Lolo man, Molesse, in the first three months of having the Bible in his own language, read through Genesis, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, Daniel, Jonah, Malachi and the entire New Testament. It was completely unlike reading the Bible in someone else’s language.

“When you read and you understand and find exciting things, you keep reading,” Molesse said. “Before we had the Bible in our language, we would read just a little bit and then put the Bible away because we did not understand very well what we were reading.”

“When you read and you understand and find exciting things, you keep reading.”


As the end of the year approaches, we’d like to give you an opportunity to underwrite heart language ministries around the world with a special gift to Ethnos Canada.

Your gift will fund the backbone of services that are necessary for missionaries around the world to focus on the complex task of establishing a thriving church.

Your gift to Ethnos Canada today will provide them with vital services such as:

  • Training and travel for consultants that help them through each successive step of ministry.
  • Receiving, processing and forwarding gifts from
    you and others like you.
  • Mobilizing new co-workers and providing ongoing
    care and training.
  • Leadership and administration travel and other
  • Launching our first team to the indigenous peoples in Northern Canada.

Today, will you give a gift so that, together, you and Ethnos Canada can communicate God’s love to people without access to the Good News?

You can call toll-free 1-844-855-6862 to give by credit card or…

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