The Partner to Partner newsletter helps you see how God is working around the world through
your partnership with Ethnos Canada. Besides encouraging stories of transformed lives and updates from the field, each issue presents opportunities and options for you to help accelerate God’s work among people groups around the world. Here is an excerpt from a recent issue.

“Is there a difference in people’s lives when the Scriptures are finally translated? Do they make a difference? A resounding ‘yes!’ bursts out from the mouths of those who now have the Word in their own tongue, in the language that reaches the depths of their heart. Let me give you [an example] of how they responded to God’s Talk in their language.

“Stephen Crockett, who ministers among the Moi people of the Asia-Pacific Region, recently wrote
of meeting with two Moi men who were training to be missionaries themselves. They were doing a comprehension check of some Scriptures with Stephen and the translation consultant, Bob Clark. At the end of it all, one of the Moi men became very serious and said to Stephen, “’You know we’ve learned the [national] language and can read their Bible now, but it’s like the meaning is closed to us. But when we read the Moi Bible, it’s like it’s been opened up to us, and we can understand what the Creator God is trying to communicate with us.’”

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