About Us

“The Compel podcast exists to engage Canadian women with the biblical basis for missions and connect them to ordinary women who are serving around the world and share God’s heart for the nations. Our desire is to come alongside our sisters in this journey, and share how women can be involved in spreading the gospel story to the ends of the earth.”

The Compel podcast ran for three seasons and is currently on hiatus.

Michelle Beeksma

Michelle Beeksma

Michelle Beeksma is a wife and mom to three kids. Her days consist of learning alongside her kids, being outdoors, wiping counters to cello instrumentals, and drinking coffee with friends. She finds joy in pointing women to God’s Word, stirring their hearts for Christ, and encouraging them to share the hope of the Gospel in their homes, communities, and to the ends of the earth. Michelle and her husband Peter seek to invest in eternity by supporting the work of missionaries who are bringing the Gospel to unreached nations. She is excited about helping women in Canada see that it is a privilege to be a part of this great mission whether it be through praying, giving, or going. You can find her on Instagram (@michelle.beeksma).

Lauren Ducommun standing by a wall

Lauren Ducommun

Lauren Ducommun is passionate about God’s name being known among the nations, and specifically burdened to see the gospel spread and taught among women in unreached people groups. Lauren and her husband saw God faithfully directing their steps when they began serving with Ethnos Canada, first in the Canadian training program then in training national men and women in Asia-Pacific. They have two children and are so thankful for the privilege to serve the body of Christ in this way. You can find her on Instagram (@laurenducommun).




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How ordinary women spread the gospel story.