The Whole Bible is the Story of Redemption

Luke 24:27 “Then beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted for them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.”


We believe that the gospel of grace is accurately understood in light of the whole story of the Bible. The good news of the gospel begins to unfold on the first page of Scripture, revealing the most incredible love story of all time! Perfect Creator, beautiful creation, tempter, sin, fallen man, brokenness, pain, hope, love, provision, restoration…Jesus.

Our chronological Bible teaching method systematically tells the story of the Bible so that the truths of the Old Testament provide the foundation for understanding and responding to the truth of the gospel. The Bible is powerfully changing lives as the unfolding story of God’s provision of salvation for all the ethnos continues to be told!


Iski people listen to teaching

As I Hear This Teaching, I Am Getting Warm

The early Bible lessons are changing the thinking of the Iski and laying the foundation for the presentation of the gospel.

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Iski Church Meeting

Their Hands are Tied!

Despite their attempts, the Iski people are learning that they can’t please God on their own…

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Good News for the Nagi

Last night the Nagi people heard about the crucifixion and death of Jesus for the first time in their own language.

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Responding to the Gospel

The initial response to Bible teaching among the Tangguat people is outstanding! Understanding truth is…

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Fato’s Story

Fato lived in fear of the spirits but Jesus came to the rescue and set him free.


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      chronological foundational Bible teaching in Paraguay

      Join with us to see God continue to build His church through the teaching of His Word.


      Firm Foundations Pack

      You Can Lay A Firm Foundation!

      Use the same effective materials missionaries use to plant tribal churches.

      Firm Foundations: Creation to Christ moves chronologically through key Bible passages, unfolding the story of God.

      Teachers have successfully taught these lessons in churches, classrooms and small groups, giving men and women a clear understanding of God, man’s relationship to Him, and the grace He has made available through the death of His Son.

      “Every Christian could profit from this course. I wish every adult Sunday school class would do this.” — Brenda Buza, Sunday school teacher

      Learn More Or Purchase Firm Foundations Resources