A Clear Need

There is a church among the Guahibo people of Colombia — a vibrant church with all the tools needed to evangelize and disciple. But not very far away are five other people groups that are linguistically related but have no knowledge of the Savior. For years people have prayed that God would send missionaries to those five groups.

An Obvious Provision

José and Janet Pérez - Guahibo people

After a recent survey into the needy area, the Lord touched the hearts of a Guahibo couple, José and Janet Pérez, to take the gospel to their own people. A Colombian pastor said, “We have been praying for a number of years that God would send people who are equipped to teach God’s Word in their own language to these groups (of tribal people).”

Taking Definite Steps

After 15 years of ministry in their village, José and Janet will be moving to begin a new ministry. All five people groups understand the Guahibo language, but only two of them can use the existing Bible translation.

Cains - Guahibo people

With the national culture clashing with the Guahibo culture, there is added urgency to get the gospel to these people groups. Pray with the Guahibo team, Alberto and Nancy González and Mark and Joyce Cain, along with the Guahibo church as they begin this outreach.