kids and adults on a river bank preparing for a canoe trip

YOU Can Make a Difference

Can only superhumans or the mega-powerful make a difference? No, indeed! You can make a difference in the lives of missionaries. Read how three different groups decided to bless missionaries in distinct ways as they followed God’s leading.

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More In This Issue

  • bundle of newspapers

News Around the World

Read this collection of missions stories and updates from around the world.

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  • missionary helps tribal men practice their reading

A Different Way to Say ‘Welcome Home!’

We were greeted by those returning to the village, each one excited to tell us where they were when the plane flew over

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  • man kneeling on ground and holding Bible


Do you want to serve God well? Here are some things missionaries have learned.

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  • fancy pen writing in cursive

From Our Executive Director

Weak as we are, God has chosen to use us to spread His fame. Absolutely amazing!

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  • woman reading Bible while sitting on step of her camper trailer

Change Hearts Around the World

Want to make a lasting, worldwide impact through heart-language ministries? You have several opportunities.

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  • Kristen standing by a tree with a Papua New Guinea mountain valley in the background

Kristin Simmons

After I completed high school in Papua New Guinea, I did not think I would return to PNG but was open to go wherever the Lord saw fit to send me.

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five reasons you should join a firststory team with a picture from the back of a dog sled


Indigenous Ministries is a ministry of Ethnos Canada, establishing thriving churches among the Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

Our culture has a ubiquitous focus on self: My happiness. My independence. My success.

In contrast, Ethnos Canada is looking for believers willing to work on teams that establish thriving churches in Northern Canada. Here are five reasons you should join an Indigenous Ministries team:

  1. Teamwork creates synergy.
  2. Teamwork increases points of contact.
  3. Teamwork increases the vitality of each worker’s ministry.
  4. Teamwork increases the longevity of the ministry.
  5. Teamwork reduces financial costs.

Learn more about what Ethnos Canada is doing in Northern Canada, and subscribe…

Ethnos Magazine Archives

Behind on your reading? Catch-up here.

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Bring your group to an OFF THE GRID WEEKEND RETREAT in scenic rural Ontario to gain a glimpse of what it takes to reach the yet unreached peoples of the world.

• LEARN how God is completing the Great Commission.
• EXPERIENCE the challenges of ministering in a foreign culture.
• DISCOVER the team necessary to reach isolated people groups.
• GAIN the focus you need to live a life of eternal impact.

Learn More about Off the Grid

Helicopter Update

Ethnos360 Aviation needs two helicopters for two distinct places: the Philippines and Brazil. Their versatility lends to their utility, but that utility comes at a high price.

As of March 2019, here are the outstanding needs for each one:
Brazil: $1 million of $1.8 million
Philippines: $248,568 of $1.5 million

Support the Brazilian Helicopter Project
Support the Filipino Helicopter Project


Ethnos360 Bible Institute

Study the whole Bible in two years with an emphasis on cross-cultural missions.

Prepare for life and ministry.


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missionary and tribal children and mothers look at a book

See firsthand what it takes to plant a church among people who have no concept of the God of the Bible.
Learn from missionaries on the field and spend time with Indigenous people.
A six-week
college-level course
in Papua New Guinea.
Come for Interface and stay an extra
two weeks to get a closer look at one
of sixe key support ministries.
Spend a semester in Papua New Guinea
experiencing cross-cultural
church planting firsthand.
407-547-2491 |

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