Tim sitting near some trees

Dear Friend,

It’s hard to communicate what my heart feels when I think about you. As the director of Ethnos Canada, my poetic prowess is a bit— perhaps we could say—underdeveloped? So I will keep it simple and quote the Apostle Paul, “We are bound to thank God always for you…” (2 Thessalonians 1:3).

Yes, I thank God for the thousands of missionaries serving with Ethnos Canada and our partners from some three dozen countries around the world. But I also thank God for you, and the thousands of Canadians who are partnering with us to complete the Great Commission—to make disciples of every ethnos, every people group.

It’s humbling when you stop to consider it. Out of all the ways God could have chosen to proclaim the Good News, God in His infinite wisdom chose us—normal, needy humans. Weak as we are, God has chosen to use us to spread His fame. Absolutely amazing!

As you read this issue of the Ethnos Magazine you will read about people who are serving God by serving missionaries. It is my prayer that God inspires you in three ways:

1. I pray that you will be inspired to worship God as you see the many ways He is allowing us to partner with Him in His work.
2. I pray that you will be inspired to encourage those serving as pastors, church leaders and missionaries.
3. I pray that you will be inspired to look for opportunities to partner with God.

I believe that we are quickly approaching the last days. It is my prayer that God finds us deeply involved in the work that He commissioned His people to do.

Blessed to serve with you,
Tim Whatley
Executive Director, Ethnos Canada