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Ayore house and people

The Ayoré Church: 75 Years Later

One day not too long ago, a Bolivian farmer was cultivating his watermelon crop with a gun slung over his shoulder. After a while, he set the gun against a tree. As he kept working, he moved farther and farther from it.

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  • White Butterfly

“You Won’t Come Back Alive”

February 8th, 2017|Comments Off on “You Won’t Come Back Alive”

In 1943, NTM’s first team of missionaries went to Bolivia to seek out people groups who had never heard the gospel and to establish a church among them. They succeeded — at great cost.

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  • Canoe by the riverside

Editor’s Letter

February 8th, 2017|Comments Off on Editor’s Letter

Generations of Ayorés express their love of God and their knowledge of God’s Word. This is what missions is all about.

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  • Bible on dock

The Missionary Epistles

February 7th, 2017|Comments Off on The Missionary Epistles

Begin to see the Great Commission for what it is — a central theme of the New Testament.

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Sean & Tiffany Martin

January 18th, 2017|Comments Off on Sean & Tiffany Martin

The idea that here are people in this world that have NEVER heard of God's love breaks our hearts. God has used this to challenge us to serve Him in the unreached places of the world.

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Church Planting Internships

Spend a semester in Papua New Guinea coming face to face with realities unknown to most people. Discover what it takes to plant a church among people who have no concept of the God of the Bible.

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