Ethnos desires to serve you better.

For nearly 75 years, Ethnos has been planting churches in unreached people groups. In that time, we’ve seen God use ordinary believers to reach tribes and transform lives. With over 1,200 churches planted and more than 75 New Testament translations completed, we’re more excited than ever to see what God has in store for the future.

But there is still much to be done. There are still millions waiting to hear the good news about Jesus Christ—there is still more than 4,000 ethnic groups waiting for Bible translation to begin. That’s why we’ve been working on a way to better connect you with what God is doing among unreached people groups.

What are we changing?

We’re giving you more control over your experience as an Ethnos partner. We have created a new section on our website called “my-ethnos”.

From here at you are able to:

  • manage your personal information.
  • manage your online giving.
  • manage your subscriptions, both print and email.

… from any device, at any time!

With change, there are always growing pains. Please pray for the team working in the Home Office of Ethnos Canada. Please join us in praying that the ongoing improvements in the coming months will happen without hiccups.

First, if you haven’t already, request your my-ethnos account today!

Create an Account

Once your temporary password is sent to you, update your account to include your current contact information.

This is an exciting time for Ethnos Canada. We look forward to seeing how God uses the improvements to help us work together to establish a thriving church for every people. We hope you love it!