
Missionary Flight Sponsorship

Your gift to sponsor missionary flights will make air service more available to more than 200 missionaries planting churches among more than 130 people groups. And because the use of aircraft will be more effective, efficient and affordable, missionary teams will be able to begin work among even more people.

Sponsor Missionary Flights
    Your gift to sponsor missionary flights will make air service more available to more than 200 missionaries planting churches among more than 130 people groups. And because the use of aircraft will be more effective, efficient and affordable, missionary teams will be able to begin work among even more people.
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    Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes

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      Monthly giving option available in next step
      Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes
      Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
      Your gift will remain anonymous
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      Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes

      Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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      Thank you for your donation.

      God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

      Possible delay in receiving your gift
      It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.



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