Everyone should have the opportunity to hear

Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.”


2,500 people groups are still waiting to hear the gospel in their heart language. From the beginning, our vision has been to take the gospel to these people groups. The focus and vision of our founders was razor sharp and far-reaching. It was a vision that spoke of God’s heart for the world. Truly this is a vision that demands our passion and it remains unchanged!

“By unflinching determination we hazard our lives and gamble all for Christ until we have reached the last tribe regardless of where that tribe might be.” (Brown Gold magazine, Issue 1, May 1943).


Wantakia Girl

How Many More Will Die Without Hope

Flies buzzed around as I sat next to Papa Piaghi, feeling an odd mixture of anger and helplessness. Papa was dying, but still unreached with the gospel.

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From Shaman to Saved

From Shaman To Saved

Entering into a deep trance, Shaman Tae attempted to heal the sick woman, but something else happened.

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Eternal Perspective for a busy season

Eternal Perspective For A Busy Season

Cecil Dye and a small band of missionaries when into the jungle wanting one thing: God’s glory.

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A Modern Day Tower Of Babel

How do you decide where best to place church planting teams? Find out.

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Finding Unreached People

It’s essential to make wise decisions about placing missionaries strategically.

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The Triumph And The Challenges

It’s a hard season–will you pray for the Mankins fmaily and their Tobo co-workers?

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What God’s Heart Yearns For

Again and again he heard, “Christ has opened the way to God.”

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AWAYO – Fear to Faith

In the remote corners of the world, people groups have existed for generations. They live in fear of the spirits. They die without hope. This Awayo’s story.

First Steps


With so many unreached people groups who need Christ…

Get Ready ... GO


Planting a church among an unreached people group is…



Give To Help Reach Unreached People Groups

As we remain focused and committed to bringing the gospel to unreached people groups, would you consider helping us in this work?

Because 100% of all gifts are used as designated, your gift here will be used to meet operational costs and critical needs facing our organization and missionaries.

Your investment in Ethnos Canada will be used in the most strategic way to perform the behind-the-scenes work in Canada to recruit, equip and support missionaries around the world.

Would you consider partnering with us as we mobilize, equip, and coordinate missionaries to reach the unreached?


    Your investment in Ethnos Canada will be used in the most strategic way to perform the behind-the-scenes work in Canada to recruit, equip and support missionaries around the world.

    Would you consider partnering with us as we mobilize, equip, and coordinate missionaries to reach the unreached?

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      Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes

      Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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      God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

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      It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.

      PNG mother and Baby

      You can help us take the gospel to unreached people like this young mother in Papua New Guinea.