As Typhoon Koppu cut across the island of Luzon October 16 and 17, drenching rains caused washed-out roads and landslides, cutting off villages from food and supply lines. The heavy precipitation and strong winds in the mountain areas hindered accurate assessment of the damage.

Once the weather cleared, NTM Aviation helicopter pilot Zach Keller started flying aerial surveys. He was accompanied by local officials and national missionary Rene Tanjusay, who lives near the hardest-hit area.

The need was clear. “There are five communities that could use immediate help with supplies,” said Zach.

Meanwhile, Rene had procured 2,500 kg of rice to help in the effort. “Lots of people are pitching in,” says Zach. That includes school kids who are filling 70-kg family packs with essentials supplies. Several other national missionaries are helping out, in cooperation with local churches. Individuals and organizations are contributing funds.

“If we can bring rice to these communities, it would be a very good way to support our national missionaries and empower the local church to help the community in this time of need,” says NTM Aviation Philippines chief pilot Brian Pruett.

Yesterday, Zach started flying the R44 helicopter over landslides and impassible roads to bring food and supply packs to these isolated mountain locations. Pray that the villagers will sense the love of Christ in this outreach by Filipino believers.