Missionaries to the Moi people in the Asia Pacific region, Stephen and Carolyn Crocket, are thankful they got to be part of another Moi baptism. A number of Moi believers were involved in an outreach program among their own people group. “After careful discipleship and making sure they understood salvation by faith, they baptized 40 Moi men, women, and children. What a thrill to see that the Lord really is building His church here in Moi,” wrote the Crockets.

They went on to share, “We will be teaching through 1 Timothy again in the next few weeks, in preparation for ordaining our first three elders. After much prayer and discussion with our co-workers, we feel peace about a few of the men that have proved faithful and qualify according to what is laid out in Scripture.

“Please pray that God will continue to help us move forward in helping the Moi church set up healthy leadership. Please pray too for Bumani, Deoma, and Tepaiye to have clear direction that this is how they would like to serve.”

The Crocket’s co-workers, Rich and Karen Brown write,

Near the end of July the Moi Bible teachers baptized about 40 believers. It was a joy to watch each of those getting baptized make a public proclamation of their trust in Christ as their Lord and Saviour. We are so proud of our Moi coworkers who faithfully give of themselves in order that more of the Moi might hear and be discipled on to maturity.

Continue to pray for this church planting team. The New Testament translation is now 50% complete.


Read more about what God is doing in Moi land