An Answer to Prayer

“We were blessed to witness first hand an answer to many prayers” wrote Rich and Karen Brown, missionaries to the Moi people in the Asia-Pacific region. “The Lord worked things out for Sepaiye to be able to marry Dadimanitadi.”

Sepaiye was prepared to remain single rather than marry an unbeliever and disqualify himself from church leadership (as taught in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1). “He would often tell Rich, ‘The Apostle Paul didn’t die from not being married and I won’t either. I just want to keep serving the Lord.’” wrote Karen. Sepiaye is one of three men who have been doing the work of elders in the Moi church for the past few years and all three will officially be recognized as elders on the weekend of September 11th.
“We believe the Lord has honoured Sepaiye’s faith and unwavering testimony during the months that led up to the final negotiations to acquire Dadimanitadi” wrote Karen.

A New Tradition

“Rich and Steve performed the very first ‘Christian’ wedding before an audience of Moi believers. It was such a treat to be able to pray for and dedicate their union as husband and wife publicly before the church” wrote Karen.

Praying and Praising

Thank you for your prayers for Sepaiye. God has answered them! Pray for Sepaiye and Dadimanitadi as they begin their lives as husband and wife. Pray that their marriage will be a picture of Christ’s love for the church to the Moi believers.

See original prayer request