Dear Friend,

I’m going to say something that you won’t hear many missionaries say…

I want you to close your Bible.

Now without peeking, what are the first recorded words of God? Do you remember? It’s “Let there be light.” (Genesis 1:3)

In this incredibly profound moment in our universe’s history we see the word of God bringing forth physical light.

See, God is in the business of creating light.

And now, thousands of years later God continues to speak light into the minds of men (and women) through His Word, the Bible.

And that’s what we celebrate in this issue of Ethnos Magazine — people groups (some of them for the first time in the history of their culture) coming from darkness to light!

What an incredible opportunity we have to partner with the creator God of the universe.

Come celebrate with us the faithfulness of God — to the Menya, Mibu and Hewa peoples of Papua New Guinea. Praise God for His faithfulness to the Nahuatl people of Mexico. Let us praise Him for the progress on the Bible translation for the Dinangat people of Papua New Guinea and for the baptisms among the Iski people of Papua New Guinea.

Praise God for His mighty work among the ethnos!