Become a Volunteer Rep in Canada and Help Reach some of the Least Reached People Groups on Planet Earth!


If you reside in Canada, you! There is no doubt that God is in the people business and He wants to use you… and we’d love to have you join us! Ethnos is passionate about equipping servants of the Church to plant more churches, among those who have never had a chance to hear the gospel. It’s all about Christ and His Bride — the Church, and every day around the world, thousands of people are being added to this number from “every nation, tribe people and language.” Yet so many untold millions are still waiting. You can be a part of reaching them from right where you are, through Ethnos Canada’s Volunteer Rep Network!

(Applications will only be accepted from residents of Canada)


Please fill out the contact form below and our Volunteer Rep Coordinator will be in touch with you right away to answer any questions you might have and begin the application process.

Fill out my online form.


Ethnos Canada’s Volunteer Reps are a vital part of a much larger team of more than 3,000 missionaries in over 30 countries. Part of this established team is a growing number of indigenous brother and sisters that are living out their faith in some of the most remote villages on planet earth. As a Volunteer Rep, you get to tell their story, which is ultimately God’s story, and encourage others to take part in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Volunteer Reps must be highly motivated. They must have a driving passion for God’s glory to be revealed in all nations and be willing to sacrifice both time and energy to inspire other believers. Volunteer Reps don’t need to be public speakers (although it certainly doesn’t hurt) but they need to be comfortable talking to people about the various ministries of Ethnos and be able to encourage others with how they can get involved—whether in praying, giving or going.


Anywhere and everywhere you go within Canada! The wonderful thing about being a Volunteer Rep is that you can share with other believers from right where God has placed you. You will need to show initiative and look for ways to represent Ethnos in your own church, neighbourhood and town. Be bold and get creative, or simply pass out materials at a local event. Keep your eyes out for opportunities where you can have a ministry booth or give a short presentation. Share with kids in Sunday school or a home school group, or connect with small groups from a local church. There are so many ways you can encourage others if you are willing to look for them. Each of us can be a window by which we help others to see a lost world that Christ died for and then invite them to join us!


More than anything else, it must begin with a close intimate walk with Jesus. He is the one who both calls and equips us. There are times when volunteering will inspire you and other times when you will be discouraged. And there is no doubt that we have a very real enemy who wants to keep us from impacting anyone with the gospel. Reaching unreached people is costly and it takes time to plant seeds that bear fruit, whether you are a volunteer in Canada or a missionary struggling with the language of those you desperately want to share Christ with.

However this is where teamwork comes in. None of us has to do it alone. As a Volunteer Rep, you will be a part of a growing network of people that can encourage you and who share your enthusiasm for reaching the lost. Ethnos Canada’s Volunteer Rep Coordinator will come alongside you and provide you with the necessary support, training and materials to accomplish the task. And one of the major benefits you will receive is the sense of deep fulfillment that you are impacting lives for eternity.


This is probably the most important point of all…. Its what drives us and spurs us on even when we grow tired and weary. As the 17th century Moravians put it: “May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His sufferings.” Jesus Christ alone is worthy of all the glory, all the honour and all the praise from all creation. It’s His command of love to make disciples of all nations that compels us into action. As we see this coming to fruition through the growth of the Body of Christ worldwide, it only encourages us to press on to see the task to completion. As our founder Paul Flemming inspired us: “By His strength we take the challenge. By unflinching determination we hazard our lives and gamble all for Christ until we have reached the last tribe regardless of where that tribe might be. Our work is to fill in the gaps where the gospel has not yet gone.”


You can begin right now!

Join Ethnos Canada’s Volunteer Rep Network and be a part of reaching tribes and transforming lives! You can start your application today or email our Volunteer Rep Coordinator to ask any questions.

We look forward to serving together with you as we strive towards the day when the Bride of Christ is complete and we stand with confidence before the throne, with those from “every nation, tribe, people and language.” To God be the glory both now and forever more!

Please fill out the contact form above and our Volunteer Rep Coordinator will be in touch with you to answer any questions you might have and begin the application process.