Canadian children and high school youth are learning about missions in a unique way through puppetry, storytelling, music, and drama. For the past three years former missionaries to Panama, Ed and Jane Skowron have educated, entertained, and encouraged hundreds of Canadians to consider a career in missions. To date, they have spoken in 46 Christian school chapels in Ontario, five churches, and one retirement centre. God has already opened the door to expand their ministry to the Maritime Provinces in November 2015.

Ed and Jane love Canada. From 1980–82 they studied to be missionaries at the NTM missionary training program (now called Emanate) in Durham, Ontario. Canada holds a special place in their hearts because it’s the place where they met, fell in love, and spent the first few months of their marriage. In 2012 they even celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary by travelling back to Canada from their home in Florida.

For more information about this exciting ministry and how to schedule them to speak for your church, school, or camp you can visit their web site at

see What others are saying about Ed & Jane Skowron…

“The variety in the presentation really captured interest. …”
Faith Baptist Church, Mount Forest, ON

“Thank you for engaging our students and challenging them to consider God’s work. Your presentation was very entertaining as well as challenging. …”
Orangeville Christian School, Orangeville, ON

“The students thoroughly enjoyed the puppet show, costumes, and presentation. Their questions made it clear that they not only listened, but were excited about missionary work. The call to follow in God’s great commission was well received by all. …”
Meadow Green Academy, Mississauga, ON

“Very relevant. Age appropriate. Christ – centred. …” Peoples Christian Academy

“We appreciate the encouragement to our students to choose to serve God with their lives as missionaries here or globally. …”
Faith Christian Academy, St. Thomas, ON

“Wow you gave us so many visual pictures to understand our neighbours far away, to appreciate the continuing need, and to reflect on God’s call on our own lives! …”
Immanuel Christian School, Aylmer, ON

“Your presentation opened our eyes to the wonderful things God is doing in the world. …” Markham Community Christian Church, Markham, ON