The vision burst into the Biem tribe

“This is God’s talk,” said one of the Biem believers. “I’ve heard it. See, it’s just one story, from the Old Testament to Jesus. There is no other road but Jesus. God meant it this way from the beginning.”

“I can’t stop thinking about this talk,” another Biem believer told missionary Brandon Buser. “It’s what I think of when I first get up. Yesterday, I woke and that’s what I started talking with my wife about. We went to the garden and were there all day talking about this talk. Then all of a sudden it’s night and we have to stop. But in the morning, we start all over again. It’s always on my mind.”

The vision guided the Guanano people group

Herman, a Guanano believer, is seeing God work through His Word. It has motivated some Guanano believers to resolve conflicts. One man traveled to another country to talk with someone he had a conflict with in order to respond in obedience.

There has also been true compassion and care for the sick. When family members have not handled health issues well, the body of Christ has determined to be workers together with God and respond by prayer and showing compassion.

The Word of God is working in the hearts of His people through the gifts of His Spirit to accomplish His work in the body of Christ.

The vision yielded fruit among the Yanomami tribe

Brais, a Yanomami pastor in Brazil, is once again standing strong for God in the midst of severe opposition.

 “What about our cultural feasts?” he asked the other believers early in his teaching ministry. “What about our singing, and the way we deal with our dead, the way we talk about women? We need to begin to really change in these areas where we have heard God’s Word speak to us.”

Recently Brais was invited to attend a meeting of witchdoctors and tribal leaders. He will most likely be the only Christian there. The witchdoctors are concerned because young men no longer desire to become witchdoctors. Since Brais has spoken so strongly against them, he is somewhat concerned about what might happen.

“Brais said he felt like he was Daniel going into the lion’s den,” wrote missionary Mike Hartman. “In his prayer he mentioned that he wanted to only speak what God would have him say and not his own thoughts, and that he was glad that God already knew what was going to happen.”

The vision met the Maco people group

More than 50 Macos recently agreed that their sin could only be paid for by Jesus Christ, the Redeemer sent by God. It was the crowning moment of years of learning culture and language culminating in ten months of teaching Firm Foundations Bible lessons.

For an hour-and-a-half a steady stream of people, men and women, young and old, spoke of how they were giving their sin to Jesus Christ, the One who died to pay for it all. Many spoke through tears.

Kaya, the village leader, testified, “The things that we are talking about today are not words that the missionaries have told us, they are words that God’s Spirit has spoken into our hearts.”

The vision lit the way into Loron hearts

About 200 beautiful voices rang out in worship, a united fellowship of believing Loron women joyfully singing praises to God at a recent three-day conference.

“Don’t think that it is from our own goodness that we can be saved,” they sang in the Loron language. “It is because of the grace and goodness of Jesus that we will go up to Heaven.”

Many of the ladies, ranging in age from late teens to early 60s, walked 10 miles to be part of the fellowship and worship. The happy group of believing women listened eagerly to God’s Word taught. 

 “It was really good to be with Christian ladies from other villages … to see that we have a unity with each other because of Christ,” one remarked.

Another observed, “The joyful days that we spent together were a witness to the village that God has changed us.”

The vision traveled to the Tigak tribe

Tigak believers are sharing the gospel message and seeing others come to Christ.

Paska went to visit a friend who was extremely ill and shared the gospel with him. The friend listened and expressed his faith in Jesus Christ. The next day when Paska’s friend died another Tigak believer entered heaven.

Damaris began sharing with a young friend who had never attended Firm Foundations Bible lessons. Nor had he ever expressed any interest in the gospel. But as Damaris shared, his friend listened and said he understood and believed what he heard.