Featured Article

The Vision no one could kill

Founders Paul Fleming and Cecil Dye birthed the vision of Ethnos Founded as New Tribes Mission in 1942 — to reach the last tribe for Christ in their generation. That meant going to the most remote people groups, those previously unknown to the outside world and with a never-before documented culture, language and belief system. It meant taking the gospel to those who had no hope of hearing it unless someone would go and tell them.

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  • Shaun and Mel

Shaun & Melanie Humphreys

Shaun and Melanie are involved in Indigenous Ministries, leadership and Biblical counseling.

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  • Philippine lady

The Vision…

The vision is realized in these six tribal stories.

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  • Philippine ladies

Here and There

How can you help make disciples at home and abroad?

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  • canoe on water

Come On In! The Water’s Fine!

Whether we're able to contribute in a small, medium or large way, it all makes a difference in seeing tribal people reached with the gospel in this generation. What can you do?

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  • Small huts seen from Plane

In Season

I’m convinced we are in the “last season” before Christ’s return. Incredible doors are being opened, and now is the time for the Church to emphasize getting the gospel to the last unreached people groups.

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