You may contribute by phone or online using your Visa, MasterCard, Interac or Paypal. Please call us during Eastern Time business hours at 844-855-6862 or 519-369-2622 to give or if you have any questions.

Giving Online

You can give online through this site. Visit the give page to find your missionary or project.

Recurring Gifts

You can now use your credit card to support your missionary every month, automatically. When giving online, select “Monthly Donation” from the drop down menu. Please note that when credit cards are used, the missionary pays  the credit card transaction fee, which is 2.2% + $0.30 per donation.

Changing recurring gifts

You can stop your recurring gifts at any time by contacting our finance team. If you would like to change your recurring giving, you may want to consider the convenience of monthly pre-authorized debit.

Give by phone

To give by credit card over the phone, please call us during Eastern Time business hours toll free at 844-855-6862 or for local calls, 519-369-2622.

Credit card transaction fees

The fees that credit card companies charge for transactions — 2.2% plus $0.30 per transaction — are charged to the ministry accounts of the missionaries who receive the gifts, because it is a cost associated with their ministries. You will still receive a tax-deductible receipt for the full amount of the gift. Transaction fees for gifts to projects are paid for by Ethnos Canada.

Possible delay in receiving your gift

It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive a gift given through the website, as there is a ‘pending’ period of time for credit cards. An online donation is not credited to the designated ministry until it has actually been received by Ethnos Canada. It is therefore possible that an online donation arranged near the end of the month might not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.

Alternative for recurring gifts

You may wish to consider using pre-authorized debit instead of recurring credit card giving to support your missionary monthly. There is no fee for missionaries who receive support via monthly pre-authorized debit.