A Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) is the most efficient and cost-effective way for you to partner financially with an Ethnos missionary or project. To learn more, read the PAD frequently asked questions.

The benefits of automatic transfers

  • Increased safety: No cheque is in the mail and your transfer is secure.
  • More efficient: Your missionary can stay focused on ministry because your contributions are regular and reliable.
  • More effective: In the time it takes to process a few cheques, your PAD and hundreds of others can be processed, helping free missionaries for other ministries.
  • Less expensive: Your PAD contributions cost less in bank fees than contributions by cheque or credit card, so your giving goes farther.
  • More for your missionary: If you give by PAD instead of making recurring credit card gifts, more of your gift goes to your missionary. The credit card transaction fee — 2.2% plus $0.30 per transaction — is paid by your missionary unless you choose to add to your gift.

Get started with a PAD

There are two ways to set up a PAD: Fill out the form online, then print, sign and mail it, or download it to complete and mail later.

Download PAD Form

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If you have questions or would like for us to help you with Pre-Authorized Debits, please contact our Finance Team toll-free at 844-855-6862 or finance@ethnos.ca