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Translation – I could never do what you’re doing!

Missionaries hear that all the time. Yet, once upon a time, they were just regular people with regular jobs like anyone else. Brooks Buser was a finance manager in San Diego, California. Terry Reed was a builder in Charleston,South Carolina. Darcy Berglund flunked high school typing class. And Marg Jank admits, “I’m not known for being a great student of anything!”

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  • Brent & Jodi, Ethnos Canada missionaries

Brent & Jodi Ristau

November 27th, 2014|Comments Off on Brent & Jodi Ristau

Brent and Jodi Ristau are Ethnos Canada’s only missionaries living in the Yukon Territories. Not only is the Yukon Canada’s most secular region, it also has a diverse representation of 14 indigenous people groups who now largely speak English as their first language.

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