After months of lessons that spanned from Creation to Christ, several Mwinikas have placed their faith in Christ.

“We aren’t pushing for public decisions but as we hear people commenting and answering questions it is clear that many of those who have been listening understand clearly what Jesus did for them,” wrote Elin Henderson, whose husband, Phil, taught alongside Francois Hattingh.

Last week, they presented the death and burial of Christ, then His resurrection and ascension, and finally two review lessons to put together the pictures of Christ from the Old Testament with what they now knew Jesus came to do.

After the lesson on Christ’s death, Elin asked some of the women, “Did you understand?”

They were hesitant at first, but finally replied, “We know that He suffered so that we wouldn’t have to suffer. We were sinners and deserved to die but He died for us!”

“Out spilled the whole Gospel story,” Elin wrote. “They understand more than they think they do.”

People seemed to understand well as they went through the subsequent questions also.

“Our hearts so desperately want to see all the people who have been coming to hear the teaching over the past months, come to a knowledge and belief in the Savior,” Elin wrote. “But we are called to faithfully proclaim truth as clearly as we can and leave the results with Him. We are encouraged to see many people state a clear understanding of what the Savior came to do for them.”

Phil and Elin are now spending time in one-on-one conversations with people who attended the lessons.

“Pray for wisdom for us as we get around and talk with people,” Elin wrote. “Many are clearly struggling with the idea that we are saved through faith alone and not works.”

Nadia Hattingh, Francois’ wife, got the opportunity to hear the testimony of a friend before she and Francois went on home assignment in South Africa.

“I had the immeasurable privilege to pray together with her,” Nadia wrote. “This was a first prayer with any Mwinika friend. She talked to God like she would to me – hand gestures and all. She told Him about all her sin … She explained that she believes in the Redeemer and that she needs Him.”

“Pray for each Mwinika who still has not heard the Truth – that they may hear soon and that they will believe,” she wrote.