• fuelling plane

Fuel Exhaustion

By |October 26th, 2011|Aviation, News, Prayer Requests|

Missionary pilot Brian Pruett and his wife, Bailey, are experiencing what they describe as fuel exhaustion.

“It feels like every day, or half-day that we have off of flight and radio duty is an opportunity to slosh more fuel into our tank so we can get through the next stretch,” they wrote.

Mere weeks away from completing their first three-an-a-half-year term on the field, the Pruetts are facing the challenge of finalizing their ministry responsibilities and quickly preparing to return to the USA for a scheduled nine month home assignment.

“We are in a ministry,” they wrote, “in which we’re not allowed to be tired or make mistakes.”

With still much more flying to do and many decisions to make in the flight program, Brian will have just one week to help Bailey and their two small children get ready to go stateside.

“It’s in these times that Satan is eager to discourage us and knock us down. We have set our minds and hearts on finishing well, but we need your prayers now more than ever.”

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