Missionary Cori Gervasi is learning how to help and encourage other missionaries as they study the culture and language of the people group where they serve. She will learn how to direct them in learning the culture and language more effectively.

Recently she accompanied a missionary who is experienced in culture and language acquisition to check the missionaries’ progress on a trip upriver. She hoped to observe and learn techniques for encouraging and helping missionaries. As the low-riding, leaky boat traveled towards the village, a giant tropical thunder storm broke loose.

“We were soaked to the skin,” wrote Cori, “Including all our belongings. I am so glad I chose to leave my laptop behind.”
The boat pulled up to the first available dock and was safely moored and they headed up to the village.

“After that our visit went so smoothly as to be almost dull,” Cori reported. “But I was able to observe the process of the checks as well as enjoying the opportunity to visit with the believers and missionaries there.”

The next leg of the trip was no less arduous. They took the boat to the first large city, hopped a commercial flight to the southwest of the island and got into a Land Cruiser for a nine-hour drive to another village. Potholes and mud holes disguised themselves as a road and their progress was slow. Along the way the driver had to pull two trucks out of a mud hole so they could pass by on the one-lane “road.”
Once again, the culture and language checks went well and the missionaries were encouraged with their progress.

“I was even able to help with some of the grammar and linguistic problems. … strange to be the expert when I still feel so new to everything.”

Pray for Cori’s safety as she travels by land, air and sea to help other missionaries learn culture and language so that they can reach tribal people with the Gospel.