Missionaries Rich and Karen Brown were tearful as they saw more than 100 adult Mois gather for evangelistic Bible lessons this week.

“Those in attendance make up more than half of the Moi population within a days hike away,” Rich wrote. “As they came we just stood in awe, knowing that God was answering our prayers.”

The Browns were wondering how a recent murder in the area would affect the turnout.

The possibility of a clan war, the usual response to killings, has not developed. In fact, many of the clan members of the victim, including village leaders, were present for the teaching. They found no fault with the brothers of the killer, which is usually unheard of among the Moi people.

One of their leaders told Rich that the brothers are both different than their brother who committed the crime.

“To us it was just another example of how the testimonies of the believers are impacting those around them,” Rich wrote. “We have no doubt that this is the very reason so many have come to hear the teaching.”

The day before the teaching began, one of the Moi Bible teachers, Pupuiye, said that he was so nervous that he thought he could die. But he taught and “did a great job with no evidence of nervousness,” Rich wrote. “How neat to see them trusting God despite their fear. He’s going to use them mightily.”

Please pray for the teachers to have the boldness to teach and that those who have not yet heard and understood the Gospel will be faithfully attentive to the lessons.